Top Kitchen Design Trends to Try Now

by Rudden|Bobruska Team 02/27/2022

The kitchen is one of the most heavily used rooms in the home. While the functionality of the kitchen is crucial, the design and style elements are just as important. If you’re thinking of making some updates to your kitchen, here are some of the top trends to try:

Mix & Match Metal

Mixing up different colors and metallic finishes in kitchens has become a huge trend. Designers are exchanging the tried-and-true stainless steel for different materials on all the kitchen fixtures. Even beyond the fixtures, there are opportunities to mix and match metals in the kitchen, such as with drawer and cabinet handles, appliances and decor. Having a combination of different metallic finishes can help make your kitchen appear more cozy and casual while also making the design more dynamic.

Quartzite Countertops

Quartzite is trending in a big way in countertop materials. While most industry professionals still consider engineered quartz the best option, many homeowners and designers prefer a truly natural material. Quartzite comes in a lot of color options which gives you the freedom to be more bold with your countertops, as well. Quartzite is still more expensive than quartz and many other materials, but the trend seems to suggest it’s worth the price.

Smart Appliances

Smart appliances have been growing in popularity as they become more accessible and affordable for everyday homeowners. Some of the biggest enhancements and trends in smart appliances are in the kitchen. One excellent example is touchless faucets. Other touchless technology has become extremely popular to have in the home, as well as integration with smart speakers to listen to your favorite music or podcast while in the kitchen.


Wallpaper is making a huge comeback in the kitchen. Using bold wallpaper instead of tile for kitchen backsplashes has become extremely popular, especially for those who enjoy an eclectic design style. Removable wallpaper is easier than ever to apply and remove if you change your mind and want a fresh look. Whether you want to cover an entire wall or just a small portion of your kitchen, wallpaper is a recent trend to consider.


Green is one of the trendiest colors you’ll find in designer kitchens. Particularly for kitchen cabinets, shades of green like sage, hunter and olive are bold but classic choices to make a statement and add color to the space. Green contrasts beautifully with black, white and all kinds of metallic fixtures. What’s better is that the versatility and range of green makes it easy to integrate it into your personal style.

If your kitchen needs a makeover, consider these trends as a place to begin. By taking inspiration from trending kitchens and applying your own personal taste, you can create a kitchen style entirely your own.

About the Author

Rudden|Bobruska Team

Gary Rudden, Lisa Rudden, and Nick Bobruska  


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